Monday, February 11, 2013

Book Buddies

As an English major and a life long book worm, I can attest to the fact there is just something especially captivating about being read to. To people like me, reading is fun. But for a student who is struggling with their comprehension skills, reading can feel like a punishment. So maybe it's the extra attention, or the excitement of turning a relatively solitary experience in to a shared one, or maybe it is even the comfort of knowing you are only responsible for being a listener that makes being read to so appealing. Whatever the reason, reading to a child can transform the potentially lackluster activity into a vibrant one. Book Buddies does just that in their reading mentor program for Stockton's k through 3rd graders.

Comprehensive reading skills are no doubt the most critical component to becoming a successful student. However, if a student has very little interest in reading or even just lacks the self confidence to do so, the ripple effects on the state of their academic affairs can be devastating.

Book Buddies offers a solution to the declining literacy rates that plague the health of class rooms across Stockton. Every Wednesday from 4-5 p.m., k through 3rd graders hang out with students from the university on campus in the Bernerd Schools of Education's "Book Buddies Corner"

 Pamela Eibeck, Pacific's president, reads to the
Book Buddies program.

During that time undergraduate volunteers from the university pair up with an elementary school students for an hour of one on one time where they pick out a book on the shelf and a seat on the floor and spend time deciphering the words in the students book of choice together. Book Buddies offers a relaxed environment where a responsible older mentor figure can allow the students to feel safe and, as a result, help them to get excited about reading.

Elementary students are only required to sign up for one day at a time, but are encouraged to come every Wednesday. It is free and easy to sign up so if you know or have a k through third grader who could use a big buddy to help get them excited about reading have a look at the Book Buddies page for enrollment forms. However, if your little birdies have already left the nest - fear not! Book Buddies always appreciates children's book donations, too! For more information on the Book Buddies program or where you can donate books please contact:

Trevor Gatz at 209-986-4341 or, or contact Gaby Satvaldiyev (Spanish speaker) at 209.946.2677 or


  1. This is a great program that encourages literacy in students! Books are cool Kids!!!!

  2. Your blog is awesome! Love the new look! It looks so professional. Rock it, girl!
